Aug 14, 2008

Updates on Da Poll

So I got some more votes on the poll, I need a few more, but this is going well. Not! I need more votes, oh well. If no one votes I just won't use the votes given, since we need a tie-breaker vote now. But, whatever happens I'll still have more installments of the story.
My origional muse is going well. I'm having fun with it and came up with another, crappy muse so that both is good and sucks at the same time.
I'll have more later.

Aug 11, 2008

No More Polls?

I'm thinking of just cancelling the polls, no one is voting, and i need votes to see what the majority wants to see. Apparently, not much. So, I'm cancelling the polls.

On another note, I found a muse and I'm running with it. It's actually an old muse that was returned to me after I pulled an old book from my shelf. So, we'll see where that takes me. Hopefully far, but this optimism is going to break that down.

My mom saw Stephanie Meyer on a talk show the other day and she said something interesting. She said to write a book as though you are the only one who is going to read it. I think I may have taken that to heart... It's advice from Stephanie Meyer! Of course it will be helpful and is probably right, so I should take it to heart.

My series on Ficwad is becoming better and better, even with the (sorry readers) imminent close of the second installment. Archie's secret has been let out of the bag and Atlanta's still sour. Neil lost, and Dani's singing better than ever (if you havn't read the series, you may have figured out that it's a Fan Fiction peice on Class of the Titans. If you don't know who Dani is, you'll have to read for youself :D).

More soon, on the progress of this muse! Chiao!

Aug 7, 2008

Great Reviews!

So, as you can possible tell (depending on the time you read this post) from the polls on the side bar I am writing a series on called "Good Enough" under the Class of the Titans tab.

I recently got two awesome reviews on the sequel "Out in The Park" which have boosted my faith in my writing immensly. Both said that they liked my story even though they normally didn't like aspects I had used in the story! I was very happy to know that I can change som people's minds, that really makes me feel like I'm succeeding in my chosen feild of the arts.

So, if you haven't read my story go to my profile and check out all my stories! If you're only interested in the Class of the Titans ones again they're "Good Enough" and "Out in the Park" by masquerade37.