Jan 23, 2009

Finally I'm Getting my Groove On...

Hey there,

I finally got my groove back and wrote something. Yes, it is a fanfiction but it's not half bad!

The story is based on the TV show NCIS. The story centres around Timothy McGee, a Probie Agent, who thinks he finds love in an online computer game. Little does he know that the girl he is falling for is only fifteen years old, AND has semi-clairvoyant powers which lead her to become a new youth agent at NCIS, working as an instant human BOLO database. A Navy Lieutenant has been murdered and his son is a prime suspect. When the son proves to be an accomplice in a planned mass-murder at the high school where our young agent, Kitty McKinnon, went only a few days prior to her being hired by NCIS, the team gets involved and McGee's life is put in the balance. The story is here.

I have already written a published sequel as well. In this story, Kitty McKinnon's parents are murdered in a meticulous early-morning killing spree. There is no useful evidence at the scene, and before long the bodies of more of Kitty's loved ones begin to pile up. McGee is taken hostage by the killer and Kitty must risk her life to save him. Will she end up dying in his place? This story is here.

These stories are some of my best work and I'm working on a brand new story at the moment that may outshine even these! Please give them a read if you are so inclined and drop me a review (the link for reviews is at the bottom of the story page).

Other than those, my writing is going slowly. I'm doing a lot of free writing, developing scenes and characters in one page descriptions. I don't have them with me at the moment, but I will post one of them as soon as I can.

See you around!