Well, I've decided after a schizophrenic writing spree that I am going to begin work on writing a mini series. By mini series I mean a series of of screen plays that will end up being a show. I may or may not try and use it to create a show on YouTube, but it will get written.
I will be posting updates on this project to see how far it gets. The pilot episode is being gestated (thought through before execution) and will be written soon, as soon as my characters have been developed.
My character profiles will be posted here quite soon, I will be sketching the people and posting the pictures of them here as well, so whoever actually reads this will be able to see how the process goes.
Just so everyone out there knows, I have never done any production work before, so this is a purely new experience for me. I will be writing the first season before any possible production happens.
Train of thought change: If I can't find anyone to actually act these out I will try and do a radio show/podcast thing with it... that would work easily! I need to figure out how to pay actors for this though... meh, all my friends are probably willing to work for food :D so that shouldn't be a problem.
So, aside from that I wanted to write about a new Application I added on Facebook this week. It's called Save the Planet. Basically what happens is you go on and play games to earn virtual money. You then take the money and spend it on various causes: Ending world hunger/thirst, helping homeless people, ending child abuse, saving the rainforest... all kinds of nice things! Then, annually, the creators of the app will do math to convert the virtual money into a real amount of money and write a cheque to each cause with real money to help. It's a great project, and I think that it really makes up for the materialism of the Western world and gives us a chance to help people less fortunate!
So, that is all for right now. I'm working on those characters so sit tight and I will have them up soon. Then I will see what I can do about production of this thing. I will do something. I promise!
Da Svidaniya,
May 10, 2009
Projects Gallore
<3 From Alexandra Mueller at 2:34 p.m.
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