Jun 21, 2007


Hey y'all,

Sorry I've been so gone lately, I've just been... well... there's really no excuse. Anyway, no one reads this anyway, so there's no point in going into detail.

Anyway, finals are officially on. I had LA on Wednesday and Science tomorrow, but guess what? I got exempt from my science exam so I get to stay home all day and be stupid and go on the computer and be stupid and make videos. Haha sound like fun.

Today was battle of the bands! BLANK LIST ROCKS! Blank list are three guys in my grade who have formed a band called Blank List (no duh) and I'll bet anything they'll make it big. If you wanna meet them, go see their website: it's really cool. So anyway I'll just say my connection to the guys: Joe (bass) was in my gym class, Nic (guitar) was in my leadership class, and Cody (drums) was in my French class. Unfortunatly, none of them even know me and the only contact they've made with me is when Cody whipped the foam ball at me in French when we were playing silent soccer. Ya, they don't knwo me, but whatever, I'll deal.

Anyone like the Tagically Hip? I've never heard them, but I want to and guess what? My Uncle Andy went to school with them! Yep buds all the way! And my mom knows them because they where Uncle Andy's friends. Mhm, that's me knowing all the best bands... pffft ya right.

Anyway, I've run out of things to rant about so I'll let my new YouTube Series The Idiot Box speak for me (if you do decide to watch, watch in order plz):
So ya if you have nothing better to do there's something to do for half an hour or 20 mins... or 13 minutes now that I spent valuble time calculating that out (I'm a math geek, so shut up and deal with it).

I have nothing else to do, so I'll see you guys l8r (if there is anybody... if there is anybody, plz leave a message... more to reassure me than anything else... or don't and let me suffer). So, ya.

Hasta Lasagna!